Privacy Policy

Following the principles of legality, loyalty, and transparency, we provide you with this Privacy Policy.

Who is Responsible for the processing of your data?


Europe Expat Support, S.L. (EES)

NIF: B88220173
DOMICILIO SOCIAL: Calle Ferraz 2, Madrid, 28008.
CONTACTO: [email protected]
DPO: [email protected]
Why do we process your data?

At EES, we process the information you provide depending on the interested party category for the following purposes:

POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS Manage the potential legal professional relationship, manage the sending of requested information and/or resolve the queries raised, provide offers of our services and/or products of interest.
CLIENTS Providing professional services as lawyers in the judicial and extrajudicial matters you entrust to us, communicating with you, as well as invoicing our fees, collection, and accounting.
SUPPLIERS Managing the commercial and/or professional relationship.
CANDIDATES Manage the process of personnel selection.
What is the legal basis for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data depends on the category of data subject concerned:



POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS Art. 6.1.b GDPR: application, at the request of the interested party, of pre-contractual measures (estimates, order forms, service offers…). Art. 6.1.f GDPR: Legitimate interest (to send requested information, to answer to the raised questions…). Art. 6.1.a GDPR: Consent of the interested party (provide estimates of our legal services).
CLIENTS Art. 6.1.b GDPR: execution of a contract in which the interested party is a party. Art. 9.2.f) of the GDPR, in relation to recital (52) of said regulation: it legitimizes us to treat, without the need to request your express consent, data belonging to special categories for the formulation, exercise or defence of claims, whether by judicial procedure or by administrative or extrajudicial means.
SUPPLIERS Art. 6.1.b GDPR: execution of a contract to which the interested party is a party.
CANDIDATES Art. 6.1.a GDPR: consent of the interested party.

The data that we request is adequate, pertinent and strictly necessary and in no case is it mandatory for you to provide us with it, but the failure to provide it may affect the purpose of the service or the impossibility of providing said service.

How long will we keep your personal data?

Your data will be kept for the minimum time necessary for the correct provision of the offered service, as well as to comply with the responsibilities that may arise from it and any other legal requirements.

Once the contractual relationship has ended, your file will be kept until the applicable deadlines to possible professional responsibilities, accounting and tax obligations, and other legislation that may apply.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Certain information may be disclosed, in accordance with current legislation or your contractual relationship with ESS, to:

  • The banks and financial institutions for the collection of the contracted services and/or purchased products.
  • Public administrations with competence in the sectors of the activity of EES, when it is established by the current regulations (Justice Administration, Public Administrations, public registers, etc)
  • Notaries, counterparts, lawyers, solicitors, when totally necessary for the provision of the contracted service.
Are there any international data transfers?

On occasion, due to the nature of the service provided, we may transfer the personal information we collect from you, to third countries located outside the EEA, which are not considered as countries providing an adequate level of protection of personal data by the European Commission.

However, for the purposes of ensuring the security of your data, and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as the GDPR), we will use the additional safeguards provided for in Article 46 GDPR or the exceptions for specific situations in Article 49 GDPR. For a copy of these clauses or additional information on data transfers from third countries, you can send your request to [email protected]

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

The data protection rights that data subjects may exercise, where applicable, are:

  • Right to request access to personal data concerning the data subject.
  • Right of rectification or suppression.
  • Right of opposition.
  • Right to request limitation of processing.
  • Right to the portability of data.
  • The right not to be subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of data.

The owners of the personal data obtained may exercise their rights of protection of personal data by sending a written communication to EES ‘s registered office or to the email address provided for this purpose, email exercise rights. Models, forms, and further information on your rights are available on the website of the national control authority, Spanish Data Protection Agency, hereinafter AEPD, 

Can I withdraw my consent?

You have the possibility and the right to withdraw your consent for any specific purpose granted at the time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to withdrawal.

Where can I complain if I think my data is not being handled correctly?

If any interested party considers that their data is not being treated correctly by EES or that requests to exercise rights have not been satisfactorily dealt with, they can file a complaint with the corresponding data protection authority, the AEPD being the one indicated in the national territory,

Security and updating of your personal data

To safeguard the security of your personal data, we would like to inform you that we have taken all the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the personal data provided. All of this is to avoid their alteration, loss, and/or unauthorized treatment or access, as required by the regulations, although absolute security does not exist.

It is important that, to keep your personal data updated, you inform us whenever there is a modification to it.


EES informs you that your data will be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality by all personnel involved in any of the phases of processing. We will not pass on or communicate your details to any third party, except in the cases provided for by law, or unless the interested party has expressly authorized us to do so.

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