Nonprofitable Residence

Non-profit residency, also known (but not necessarily) as a visa for pensioners, allows the holder, and family members who apply with him/her, to reside in Spain, with no possibility of employment activities within the territory. The applicant is allowed to receive income, which might arise from investments, real estate assets, etc.

General aspects

Not applicable to citizens of a State of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland, or family members of citizens of these countries to whom the Union citizen scheme applies. 

  • The foreigner is not allowed to work in Spain.
  • After one year of residence, a request for a modification of the residence and work permit can be made, either as an employee or self-employed professional.
  • One year of initial residence permit.
  • Successive extensions of 2 years.
  • After the fifth year: long-term residence (no renewal required).
  • Application after 2 years of residence for descendants of Latin American countries.
  • One year for the applicant married to a Spanish citizen
  • Ten years for all other nationalities. 

At the Consulate of the applicant’s place of residence. 

The following family members may join the application of the main member: spouse, unmarried partner, minor children, ascendants and children of full age who are economically dependent. 

Application requirements

General requirements

This permit grants the right of residence in Spain without the employment entitlement, for one year (renewable) and allows free mobility in the Schengen area during the period of validity of the permit. 

  • Indispensable to prove sufficient financial means (this amount varies slightly from year to year, depending on the Public Indicator of Multiple Effect Income “IPREM”).
  • Full health insurance coverage similar to the Spanish Social Security system.

Specific requirements

  • Application form: visa and especific form.
  • Passport valid for at least one year.
  • Criminal record certificates for applicants of legal age.
  • Proof of financial means.
  • Health insurance.
  • Medical certificate in the country of origin.
  • Availability of accommodation or financial means for this porpuse.
  • Photographs.
  • Proof of family relationship (where applicable).

Formulario enviado con éxito

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